In this case, the assembly of the gene list will be limited by the supplier's library.
Top gene lists, that give few false positives and few false negatives, are the output.
The spreadsheet used to filter the gene list analyzed in this report and baseline occurrence values can be downloaded (see Additional data files).
The functional heterogeneity inherent in large gene lists eliminates the risk of relevant terms being removed by this filter.
Once submitted, the gene list is stored for the entire analysis session, allowing users to switch between modules without having to resubmit data.
For instance, early-stage analyses may consist of annotating gene lists with very general terms in order to gain a broad understanding of the data.
However, users are limited to a maximum of three cross-references for a given gene list.
Thus, the maximum possible fraction of overlap between our grain filling gene list and the control set could be 100%.
Oligos of 30 and 40 nucleotides were also used successfully, although signal strength was weaker (red dots on the gene list in Figure 7).
Libraries can be directly queried for the desired contents of stored gene lists, analysis results, and other Libraries.