Other experts say the current system of awarding gene patents seems unjust.
At first, he said, the hospital considered donating the gene patent to the public and forgoing royalties on any test.
She and her husband, Patrick, had researchers sign a contract giving the families rights to share in the profits from any gene patent that might arise.
And the business in question has nothing to with gene patents.
It's astounding that that could happen for so long if gene patents were merely based on some bureaucratic "mistake."
So far, the gene patents have moved much more slowly than applications for other types of inventions.
YOU, or someone you love, may die because of a gene patent that should never have been granted in the first place.
The plain truth is that gene patents aren't benign and never will be.
There is no clearer indication that gene patents block innovation, inhibit research and put us all at risk.
This was the first time a U.S. court had declared a gene patent invalid.