That gene would only predispose a person to addiction if they choose to start using a drug in the first place.
Some people with a gene predisposing them to tremor may not develop it until they are in their 70's; others will be affected far earlier.
The genes also predispose people to a variety of other types of cancer.
When inherited in a mutated form, the newly detected gene strongly predisposes men to prostate cancer.
Our genes can predispose us to believe," he writes, "but they don't tell us what to believe in.
Will some racial and ethnic groups be given short shrift, since minorities often have unusual genes predisposing them to rarer disorders?
One first step to identifying genes predisposing to CD is to investigate candidate genes.
From analysis of family pedigrees, epidemiologists have identified several sites on human chromosomes where genes predisposing toward schizophrenia are thought to lie.
From their analysis of these data, the investigators found that the gene in the fetus predisposed it to develop a cleft palate if the mother smoked.
Twin studies, adoption studies, and artificial selection studies have shown that a person's genes can predispose them to developing alcoholism.