Here is my genealogical chart, displayed together with yours.
This work was a culmination of months of extensive research on the fast disappearing ancient genealogical charts.
Nearly 100 families held reunions during which they shared information to complete genealogical charts going back 14 generations or more.
Slowly he rose and went to the great genealogical charts, where each type and characteristic of every line of the human race was shown.
I recently went to a holiday party, and one person brought a genealogical chart that everyone was engrossed in.
A man I knew only from a genealogical chart was not necessarily bound to resemble his descendants in conduct.
"Absolutely," he said, carefully laying the folder with the genealogical chart on top.
For this reason, no descent is indicated on the genealogical chart.
Prince's numbered order of signers is now used to identify ancestors in genealogical charts.
It was his family tree, a genealogical chart made out in the Reverend's neat round hand.