No genealogical evidence has been found even hinting at a link between the Wrington Carpenters, on the one hand, and either of the other two afore-mentioned families, on the other; a connection is highly improbable.
Applicants needed to provide genealogical evidence that they were descendants of one of the seven noble houses of Brussels.
Linguistic and genealogical evidence associates ancestors of the Dál Riata with the prehistoric Iverni and Darini, suggesting kinship with the Ulaid and a number of shadowy kingdoms in distant Munster.
Although many Germanna families later migrated southward and westward from Piedmont Virginia, genealogical evidence shows that many of the families intermarried for generations, producing a rich genealogical heritage.
Beginning in 1976, De Ville was often called upon as a consultant in court cases involving genealogical and historical evidence.
The genealogical evidence uncovered seemed to contradict the family legend, rendering the 'suggestion' doubtful.
King is allegedly a cousin of the last Qing emperor Puyi, although lack of genealogical evidence has raised suspicions.
The molecular and genealogical evidence together suggested that a gene or genes embedded in the wilderness of the X chromosome somehow contribute to male sexual orientation.
During his arrest, Colepaugh claimed to be a cousin of U.S. President Franklin Roosevelt and First Lady Eleanor Roosevelt, producing genealogical evidence.
However, modern genealogists greatly expand this list, recognizing the need to place this information in its historical context in order to properly evaluate genealogical evidence and distinguish between same-name individuals.