Afendopolo has attached to this commentary a sort of general encyclopedia of the sciences.
The New American Cyclopedia was a general encyclopedia with a special focus on subjects related to the United States.
He also wrote The Book of Healing, a more general encyclopedia of science and philosophy, which became another popular textbook in Europe.
Banglapedia was not designed as a general encyclopedia.
He is also editor and writer of the famous Espasa encyclopedia, the general encyclopedia printed in most of the world, with almost 200 volumes.
One of the most important projects of the society was the publication of the first general alphabetic encyclopedia in the Ukrainian language.
It was then one of the world's earliest and largest known general encyclopedia.
He checked the entry briefly on the general encyclopedia.
It was the world's largest known general encyclopedia at its time.
Many hosted wikis follow the style of Wikipedia, but offer detail beyond what is considered appropriate for a general encyclopedia.