"Everyone's at ease, all is harmony," said Bill Mulham, the general foreman.
On his release, Robert Rabbitt, now 58, returned as general foreman until 1992, when he was convicted of filing false business records.
The sub-contractor will be expected to comply with instructions given by the general foreman, site agent or contract manager.
The construction coordinator has a general foreman to assist.
In 1949, he was promoted to general foreman, the top position in the delivery department at that time.
Following his baseball career, Bamberger worked as a general foreman for Grace Mines during 30 years.
Her father retired as a general foreman in the Bronx for Con Edison.
My Honethite became the general foreman of the whole operation.
A general foreman may be in charge of all or some crews.
No one knows that better than Prena Beliveau, the car cleaners' general foreman.