The AVRO tournament had brought together the eight players who were, by general acclamation, the best players in the world at the time.
This confession was received with a general acclamation.
Brazil justified the incorporation of the province through the general acclamation of an Assembly of "Eastern notables" on 18 July 1821.
There'll be a general acclamation.
TIGHTS, n. An habiliment of the stage designed to reinforce the general acclamation of the press agent with a particular publicity.
In the general acclamation of the toast, she felt sure no one would notice.
While the Republicans joined in the general acclamation of Washington for a second term as President, they objected to the allegedly "monarchical" attitude of Vice President John Adams.
Then let the recorder set down the fact that the suggestion of the Patriarch of Ucera was accepted by general acclamation.
In practice, I.M.F. leaders have been chosen more by general acclamation than by a simple majority of the votes.
The offer was received with general acclamation.