The synthesizers are usually light and contribute to the general ambiance.
The general ambiance was one of gaiety and excitement, as guests began streaming in, having braved deluges and electrical storms.
The atmosphere and general ambiance is nicely done, though.
These renovations were specifically designed to improve the arena while only minimally changing the traditional wooden bleachers and general ambiance of the interior.
Some people would consider that the general ambiance leaves something to be desired; others would label it unassuming and a perfect vacation retreat.
Just going by your general ambiance.
Second, this phenomenon may be due to the general language-created ambiance of the situation in which participants were tested rather than the specific associations to individual cue words.
"I began by reading the poem and thinking of the general ambiance," Mr. Glass recalled.
He felt that in the sixth volume, a "naive sentimentalism" clashed with the general ambiance of the series.
Tradition Returns Today Still, the game was less than perfect and in keeping with the general ambiance of the day.