Our appropriations have been part of general military appropriations.
Middle-income districts then receive their allotment from whatever is left over from the general appropriation.
Because of the gains from the lottery, he says, education programs sometimes lose equal amounts from their general appropriations.
Taxpayers' objections to the use of general appropriations could not be a basis for standing, he said.
Now cleanup funds must come from general Congressional appropriations, competing with other domestic needs.
But what the House and Senate quickly passed was a general appropriation, not a line-by-line allocation of how the $40 billion would be spent.
Amends the Rules of the House of Representatives to require that general appropriations for military construction and veterans affairs be considered as stand-alone measures.
This could be a general appropriation from Congress, although some have proposed paying for it with a 1.5 percent surcharge on steel sold in the United States.
The court rejected the government's position that programs created solely from the Executive branch funded through general appropriations were beyond challenge by individual taxpayers.
Pension payment has come from the state's annual general legislative appropriations.