The P.L.O. orders a general boycott of public schools.
Efforts have ranged from general boycotts to targeting specific Israeli companies.
Moore also called for a general boycott of the state.
It should not have been too difficult to prevail upon the Malabari cities to participate in a general boycott of Portuguese trade, at least temporarily.
The general boycott was accompanied by rioting, looting of shops and unrest throughout India.
A boycott of the stamps, widely joined throughout the colonies, was followed by a general boycott of English goods.
After the nazification of the theatres, a general boycott from the public became effective.
Others called for a more general boycott.
Various major firms such as Heineken have pulled out, and it is clear that a general boycott is sure to follow.
In 1912 further demonstrations led to a general boycott of the streetcar lines in Tunis.