"The authorities may soon find themselves trying to put out multiple fires and struggling to stave off a general conflagration."
The individual fires caused by the bombs joined to create a general conflagration known as a firestorm.
Plato's longest commentaries have to do with Mouldwarp, the present time, which came to an end when the population destroyed itself in a general conflagration.
Indeed, Aras said, "the Powers most closely concerned are proclaiming the existence of a threat of general conflagration."
"And all we can hope for now is to prevent this from erupting into general conflagration, to salvage what we can of the key bloodlines."
It's not a general conflagration, and the fire brigade won't be five minutes.
We went off in one large party, amidst a general conflagration of our late homes.
He (the Emperor) hopes to localize the war, for a general conflagration would be an unrelieved evil for everyone.
Her famous Satanism was nothing but the flicker of a spirit-lamp, after the general conflagration of which the other had dreamed.
--and the burning Temple of Nagaya was but a mere spark in the enormous breadth of the general conflagration!