As part of a general crackdown on protests without permits, the police detained hundreds of riders - including, apparently, innocent bystanders.
In 1948, when Prokofiev's career was nearly over, there was a general crackdown on Soviet composers.
The arrests were part of a general crackdown on the party which effectively destroyed it.
The Administration contends that developers were unfairly caught in the general crackdown on tax shelters in the 1986 tax overhaul.
Did the school hire you as part of a general crackdown?
He was arrest on 19 March 2003, during the Black Spring, a general crackdown on opposition activists.
On 17 June, Laylaz was arrested as part of a general crackdown on journalists.
Rather, some Government specialists think, the reported coup effort appears to have led to a general crackdown against anyone whose loyalty might be suspect.
His comments reflected the refusal by the Palestinian security forces to go along with Israel's far-reaching demands for a general crackdown on militants.
This was part of a general crackdown against illegal immigrants in the film industry.