Jim Doherty, general curator there, calls her one of his greatest resources.
The fin whale project began three years ago, according to Neal Overstrom, assistant general curator of exhibitions and husbandry at the aquarium.
A. Individually, said James G. Doherty, a general curator at the Bronx Zoo.
Jerry Stone, the general curator, added: "Nature spent a lot of time building them to fit into their environment.
"There is nothing nicer to see than a good gorilla mother with her baby," said James Doherty, the Bronx Zoo's general curator.
"They're not easy to keep," said James G. Doherty, the general curator for the Bronx Zoo.
She then went on to serve as general curator and ultimately senior curator of the museum.
"I feel sorry for the little guy," said Jack Cover, a turtle specialist and the general curator of the aquarium.
"If they were put out together, she might attack him," said James G. Doherty, the Bronx Zoo's general curator.
Other positions at the zoo include general curator, zoo director, and press spokesman.