They were keenly interested in social interaction, cognitive ability, and general demeanor.
Đilas was not without criticisms of Jovanka either, but his were far less serious, mostly having to do with the shift in her general demeanor.
Merchants that sold to the Chinese soldiers reported on sales and the troops' general demeanor.
It was clear from her general demeanor that she wasn't especially accepting of that notion.
There was definitely something military in his bearing, and for some reason, his general demeanor put Sara on edge.
Over his 14-season career, he has helped define the team's on-court style, their general demeanor, and the franchise's air of professionalism.
As he approached, another Mardukan of the same height and general demeanor appeared in the opening.
Naturally, he had made no promises, but his general demeanor had suggested a modified optimism.
His general demeanor is somewhat cold, and highly intellectual.
He might even be the Grand Constable, by his bearing and general demeanor.