All the texts of general diffusion are translated into these four languages, with some also going into Romanian and Catalan.
Last year, Plano and other wealthy districts sued the state, claiming the Robin Hood system prevented them from providing the "general diffusion of knowledge" to which children are entitled.
Incidentally, this is exactly what many of our nation's founders had in mind when they called for "institutions for the general diffusion of knowledge."
A Trilateral Commission report notes that the shift from a world led by the two rival Soviet- and U.S.-led blocs meant a general diffusion of power.
The court's 9-to-0 decision found that this inequity violates a provision of the Texas Constitution requiring the State Legislature to support and maintain "an efficient system" for the "general diffusion of knowledge."
"Certainly, this much is required if the state is to educate its populace efficiently and provide for a general diffusion of knowledge statewide," Justice Mauzy said.
This section says the Legislature shall require towns to support public schools since "a general diffusion of the advantages of education being essential to the preservation of the rights and liberties of the people."
The societies preached equal justice and a general diffusion of knowledge as essential "pillars supporting the sacred temple of liberty."
There seemed a general diffusion of cheerfulness on the occasion.
In 1989, the Texas Supreme Court ruled unanimously that disparities in school financing violated the Texas Constitution's guarantee of "an efficient system" for "the general diffusion of knowledge."