This led to massive government deficits, high unemployment, and general disaffection.
But they speculate that the trend may be contributing to any number of social ills, like the record rates of welfare dependency, out-of-wedlock birth, child poverty and general social disaffection.
However, the huge levels of immigration eventually transformed initial sympathy into general social disaffection.
What helped Napier was the general disaffection with, if not hostility to, Tewodros.
There, he found general disaffection on the part of the Nantais, and prisons bulging with captives from the repression in the Vendee.
Maybe another reason for the general disaffection: immigrants probably couldn't afford drugs, even supposing they wanted them.
The single's ominous atmosphere and disaffected, whispered lyric "came about as a general disaffection with general sentiments from records that were being shoved down my throat.
Rich described Solanas as a "one-woman scorched-earth squad" and Siegel says the stance was "extreme" and "reflected a more general disaffection with nonviolent protest in America overall."
He was sent to Greece in 174 BC to allay the general disaffection, but met with little success.
The Star Ledger/Eagleton poll also showed a general disaffection for the entire field.