He made no secret of his general disdain for the Broadway musical form.
All have a general disdain for the bride and a romantic history with the unscrupulous Tommy Valentine.
Financial problems and a general disdain on the part of the community nearly closed the Grand Rapids Art Museum in 1991.
Griffin's first comment was to attack Straw's father's wartime record, to general disdain.
He had managed to cover his fundamental feeling of isolation with biting sarcasm and a general disdain for most things humanoid.
It received lackluster reviews and general disdain from fans.
They had a general disdain for the Middle Ages and felt nothing good could come from then.
The mayor said Mr. Doyle's statement reflected a general disdain for city residents.
The lack of protest was in part due to McCarthyism and general disdain for those who did not view communist expansion as a threat.
"This is our home and I think it shows a general disdain for us and a mean-spiritedness."