In a recent interview, she spoke forthrightly of her general distaste for contemporary women's service magazines and of her desire to set Self apart.
Ms. Erlanger's accusation regarding the low scores of students on writing tests and their general distaste for writing are equally wrongheaded.
Not only will there be a general distaste for the hyperpartisan style, but people will also begin to see how partisan brawling threatens the nation's prosperity.
The two have the same general distaste for technology stocks.
The feeling of malaise comes also from a general distaste for the Lakers.
There's a general distaste for Cuban's aggressive, rub-it-in brand of advocacy.
The general distaste for marrying within one's own island's population had led to a custom of unofficial exogamy on Hydros.
The poor turnout seemed to reflect general distaste for the political parties and the process.
And if anybody wondered about the depth of Ice Cube's general distaste for everything, he led the crowd in several chants that disparaged himself, as well.
The lonely narrator in turn views the world with general distaste, a posture that a doctor finally identifies as depression.