In 1994, the association added four prizes to the award for general excellence given since 1982.
It was the second time in three years that Business Week won for general excellence.
Outside won the award for general excellence among magazines with circulation between 400,000 and one million.
It has been a finalist for the award in general excellence every year from 2001 to 2005.
The award is Time's first for general excellence since 1985.
The prize was won by a group of seven designers from Lithuania, for general excellence.
Indeed, I have been sent here to make commendations for these qualities and your general excellence.
Sports Illustrated won the award for general excellence in the 1,000,000-and-over category.
In addition to general excellence, the work also won an award for best at meeting the objectives of a campaign.
No women's magazine has won for general excellence since Mirabella in 1992.