Gravity holds galaxies together, against the general expansion of the universe.
The socialist states also advocate the general expansion of economic and cultural relations with all other countries.
The options boom comes at a time of general expansion in the industry.
The situation can only be explained by postulating a general expansion of the entire cosmos.
But that's so far ahead, general expansion will have made the universe unrecognizable-probably incomprehensible.
The 1911 population of 55,000 was achieved again only in the mid-1950s, in the context of general economic expansion.
The source of its general expansion appears to be the middle east or the levant, as it is found in the Palestinian population.
Conservation groups focus primarily on an issue that's origins are routed in general expansion.
A general expansion of weekend driving bans is a very sensitive issue in our group.
The library underwent a refurbishment in 2008 as part of general expansion and building projects on Camden growing campus.