Rather, we take some linguistic and situational detail as a cue, form a general hypothesis and then try to build into that scaffolding.
Human beings make general hypotheses about discourse, no matter how little of the language they know.
The general hypothesis of retrograde signaling does not propose a precise mechanism by which this message is sent and received.
In symbols, rises when - the general hypothesis and - the specific hypothesis.
Models of Abnormality are general hypotheses as to the nature of psychological abnormalities.
It takes the form of some very general theoretical hypotheses that form the basis from which the programme is to develop.
The book proposes two general hypotheses as sufficient for its purposes:
The general hypothesis is that the creation of stars occurs exclusively within molecular clouds.
The basic assumption that explaining mythology requires any "general hypothesis", whether Graves's or some other, has also been disputed.
So, to get to grips with this problem we now have to break down our general hypothesis into a number of smaller ones which can be put to the test.