The main weakness of this style was its general instability.
Burr's actions had results throughout the nation of general instability.
Rather, Thompson's drinking and general instability are what left him destitute.
It then stopped as a result of the general economic and political instability of the country at the time.
Neuroticism may be defined as general emotional instability or a generally enhanced tendency to experience negative emotions.
In the longer term, diplomats say, violent Islamic groups could pose a greater danger if general instability increased.
However, when the problems with the general lateral instability were addressed, this was no longer a real problem.
I sincerely believe that the euro is providing decisive assistance in containing the threat of general financial instability.
Kyrgyzstan's economic performance has been hindered by widespread corruption, low foreign investment and general regional instability.
And Russia is sure to suffer from the general instability caused by the European sovereign debt problem.