In 1706, senior governing officials were killed by a band of Koryaks and a period of general lawlessness abounded.
Given the general lawlessness of the land, it could be far worse this time.
"The general lawlessness is a huge problem - not knowing who is in control and who can assure your safety."
Pakistan was increasingly troubled by rising violence and general lawlessness, particularly in Karachi.
Such a state of affairs has led to "general lawlessness" at committees.
One reason the antelope has declined is the general lawlessness of the Garissa region.
There were acts of mass looting, murder, rape, arson and general lawlessness.
"I do not feel there is a state of general lawlessness in Greenport," he said.
The atrocities to which the resolution refers, including the general lawlessness and frequent rape of women are all connected with this chaos.
City officials believed that if graffiti went unchecked it would signal a general lawlessness and more serious crimes would follow.