No time for insomnia, backaches, headaches, indigestion or general lethargy.
The tension was beginning to wear off, producing a general lethargy.
It seems that the loss of one's mabui manifests itself first psychologically, as depression or anxiety, and then physically as general lethargy or actual illness.
This general lethargy has deprived our great nation of its best support and left us defenceless.
The fever had soon given way to a general lethargy and inability to keep down solid foods.
She would defy the general lethargy; time had come for progress.
In cases of symptomatic infection, symptoms are characterized by irregular fevers, chills, headaches, general lethargy, pain, and malaise.
It took a squad of protesters in wheelchairs recently to interrupt the general lethargy afflicting New York's State Legislature.
Meanwhile, a general lethargy enveloped the Open, a Blake-Agassi hangover.
Headaches, watery eyes, sore throat, breathing difficulties (including inducing asthma attacks), flu-like symptoms, and general lethargy are commonly-reported.