Several general mangers are likely to be observing, yearning and preparing their bids.
"There's a lot of romanticizing about credit," said Michael Esrubilsky, Lemon Bank's general manger.
"I don't think we've ever seen a day like this, where everything is happening at once," said Ernie Grunfeld, the Knicks' team president and general manger.
Changing general mangers became a popular sport this off-season, and most of the positions have been filled.
Some general mangers are reluctant to be swayed by combine performances after having formed an opinion from studying game performances on videotape.
Carl Boronkay, the district's general manger, warned that even more stringent conservation measures might be required if the drought continued.
The general manger of the Pool at this time was Mr. J. Thomson.
Digital Equipment named Bernhard Auer vice president and general manger of its personal computer business unit.
"You're not going to achieve anything overnight," said Glen Sather, the Rangers' new president and general manger.
It starts with Lou Lamoriello, the general manger.