Her evaluations, although correct, are generally negative, which is why she sees the general misery around her.
An infusion of the powdered root is taken after a fall and to relieve general misery.
The contribution of disciplined journalists to murder, torture, and general misery is not small.
Poverty and lack of employment had added to the general misery which the war with the French had produced.
Infusion of powdered root taken after a fall and relieve general misery.
"And this," Hall adds, "looks at just two pollutants, and doesn't begin to compute lost leisure time or the costs of general misery."
I'd been thinking about my general misery, my feeling I'd just had a shot.
In spite of his general misery, McWhirter had to whistle.
Nausea, vomiting, sensitivity to light, and general misery can last all day.
Always the same when the Tories get their hands on things - mass unemployment, general misery and downright meanness.