Many of the approximately 140 species making up the family were previously assigned to other groups, largely on the basis of general morphology or behaviour.
The two currently described species of Microcambeva have similar general morphology.
With the former, N. izumiae shares the general morphology and colouration of its pitchers.
From its general morphology and some peculiar similarities with oviraptorosaurs such as Caudipteryx, it is usually considered to be fairly close to Omnivoropteryx.
The following year he attended the Philadelphia Academy of Natural Science, where he studied general morphology.
It shares with this species the general morphology of its pitchers and leaves.
The general morphology of medicinal leeches follows that of most other leeches.
As most of the species are known from a limited number of compression wing fossils, few data on the general morphology of the family are available.
Nepenthes lingulata is thought to be most closely related to N. izumiae, with which it shares the general morphology and colouration of its pitchers.
The general morphology is that of a typical pigeon, in that it has a relatively small head, a straight soft-based bill and loosely attached feathers.