There was a shuffling of huge oversized feet, and a general muttering.
In a shocking season, crueled by injury, older players falling away, and general mutterings of dissatisfaction, the club finished 14th.
There was a general muttering of agreement among the men, who were all aware of the situation.
There was general muttering and nodding.
Some worked for them, others didn't, but they were experimenting with new ways, and from the general mutterings, that hadn't happened in a while.
There was a general negative muttering.
Over the general muttering and creaking of the hold, over the distant boom of the sea, he heard a new sound, a strange, high-pitched creaking, ending in a metallic crack, loud as a gunshot; and then another, and another.
A general muttering and groaning from the floor indicated that people were waking up.
And from Shepherds he knew were back there in the room, there was not a breath, not an outcry, just a general muttering, and he couldn't turn his head to see expressions.