Although follow-up data has shown the potential need for re-excision and side-effects, these issues are minor and the general outcome for patients is excellent.
It's not showing any possible future so far as I've been able to tell - it's showing you the general outcome of a negative behavior pattern.
There are going to be some general interactions, and you are pretty sure about the general outcome you are headed toward.
But if the general outcome is already preordained, the form and conditions of unification are not.
The general outcome can be broken down by the number of pawns.
The disease is self-limiting, and general outcome is good, even if other organs are involved.
And don't bother me with the general outcome for brain stem bleeds.
The general outcome of the Leonard Arthur case was a call for clarification of some of the issues involved.
The general outcomes of research and development in educational computing apply in this context, therefore.
The press gave a distinctly negative response to the general outcome, although the leading role of the EU was recognized.