Piximon is the general overseer in the Digital World.
Édouard Antrobus, the general overseer of roads (grand-voyer), traced the routes and organized municipal chores.
The general overseer of the historic districts is the Connecticut Historical Commission, a state agency.
These are the general overseer, the three assistant general overseers, and the secretary general.
The name "Church of God" was adopted in 1907, and Tomlinson was elected general overseer in 1909.
On top of everything else, he was "general overseer" for Zimburger's property, which put him in on the ground floor.
He was elected to serve on the church's highest administrative body, the Executive Committee, in 1962, where he began a four-year term as assistant general overseer.
The other two hundred staff members are doctors, nurses, counselors, teachers, and general overseers.
The general overseers are the men and women in charge of the prison.
After Irwin left the church in 1900, Joseph Hillery King became the general overseer.