We do try to have general repairs done.
Shortly before the 50th anniversary the school building underwent general repair of central heating and sewerage.
So for a general repair, you suggest going to a mechanic you know or who has been recommended?
Anyhow, Thompson's putting me to work making general repairs tomorrow morning, so I'll be up early.
"We're bringing in new furniture, painting and making general repairs."
Work includes painting, general repairs, and reinstatement of the floor in the main room, to form a public meeting and exhibition space.
The only maintenance recorded before the 19th century is in 1788, when £18.4.3d. was spent on general repairs.
In need of general repairs, the two arrived there on 19 January 1842, almost a month before the others.
For example, if a landlord wants to enter the rental unit to make general repairs, he usually has to give at least 24 hours' notice.
In other words, it was called general repairs.