Augustine originally believed that Christ would establish a literal 1,000-year kingdom prior to the general resurrection (premillennialism or chiliasm) but rejected the system as carnal.
He maintains a premillennial distinctive, namely that there would be two resurrections, one of believers before Jesus' reign and then a general resurrection afterwards.
In Orthodoxy, cremation is a rejection of the dogma of the general resurrection, and as such is viewed harshly.
He broke with the Priestley school, rejecting a general resurrection and fixing the last judgment at death.
The general resurrection and the judgment follow the descent of the New Jerusalem at the end of the millennial kingdom.
Cerinthus believed that Christ would establish a 1,000-year earthly kingdom prior to the general resurrection and the spiritual kingdom of God in heaven.
The motorcycle is somewhat popular nowadays due to its reliability and 'retro factor,' and also due to the general resurrection in classic motorcycles.
Although the Greeks held that a few individuals had been resurrected to physical immortality, there was no ancient Greek belief in a general resurrection of the dead.
The notion of a general resurrection of the dead was therefore apparently quite preposterous to the Greeks.
The design of the front face is based on the general resurrection of the dead following the Last Judgment.