Sohn also suggests that the invention of moveable type was due to the general scarcity of books after 1127 but before the Mongol invasion.
Odisho Gewargis explained the general scarcity (but not total absence) of autochthonous personal names as a process taking place only after Christianization.
Because of the general scarcity of antisera prepared against mammalian RPs, we do not know whether this is reflected at the protein level.
The Lakers did not change their name after this second move, despite the general scarcity of natural lakes in southern California.
The dishes presented were characterized by the general scarcity of the post-war period, and Wilmenrod was not ashamed to use canned vegetables, instant sauces, and even ketchup.
But there are at least two hundred ethnic groups in southern Sudan and, amid general scarcity, an ominous abundance of arms and independent militias.
An important difference in today's new-house market is the general scarcity of already built speculative houses.
But equally important is a general scarcity of material.
The general scarcity of lentic habitats in Malagasy rainforests may have provided the conditions that favoured the evolution of this phytotelmic breeding strategy.
In this situation the general scarcity in the supply of goods disappeared.