There is, according to them, no general worry in schools about LEA testing.
The only worries left are the general worries about non-mathematical physics, and about fiction in general.
Around here, those woes range from specific traumas like the loss of a home to more general worries about the future.
That sentiment struck everyone as almost undoubtedly true, and established a general worry.
Americans' concern about trade agreements does not appear to be rooted in a general worry about the loss of American sovereignty: surveys show their concerns are more specific.
Sager, who told me there was general worry among inmates over community notification, was not surprised that Gary and Victor feared it.
One day, the general worries about reports of German heavy artillery being moved up, indicating an attack is imminent.
But some officers close to the general worry about the future.
But she had suffered a lot of nervous strain and shock and general worry.
Another general worry was over what would happen to the American-Japanese relationship, which has been on uneasy ground for years.