The standard tricorder is a general-purpose device used primarily to scout unfamiliar areas, make detailed examination of living things, and record and review technical data.
In addition to the above general-purpose devices, there are several classes of signal generators designed for specific applications.
It's not a general-purpose device; it's a set of applications running on top of Windows Vista.
Norman believes computers are hopelessly complicated because they are general-purpose devices, able to do anything from writing a letter to designing a chip.
It's a general-purpose device that can do anything it wants to.
According to this alleged paradigm, the mind is a general-purpose cognitive device shaped almost entirely by culture.
Software tokens are stored on a general-purpose electronic device such as a desktop computer, laptop, PDA, or mobile phone.
Digital computers, being general-purpose programmable devices, were soon applied to control of industrial processes.
The 32-bit chip executes artificial intelligence programs more efficiently than the general-purpose devices.
Application-specific integrated circuit, an integrated circuit (IC) developed for a particular use, as opposed to a general-purpose device.