She said that a level of 0.10 was generally achieved by a 150-pound man having three to five drinks in one hour.
But with each form the industry generally achieved the same result - initial success, soon followed by financial failure.
The lesson was that teams can generally achieve more than the boss acting alone.
It is our view that this balance was generally achieved in the Essex project.
Young aardwolves generally achieve sexual maturity at two years of age.
Physical fitness is generally achieved through correct nutrition, exercise, hygiene and rest.
The fund currently offers ten investment options, which have generally achieved returns above the industry median.
Inside China, second-language acquisition is generally achieved through immersion in the local language.
While the students generally achieve a high academic performance, the school promotes also all-rounded development in different fields of arts, music and sports.
Many business people say that authenticity is important and that the town generally achieves it.