The drivers generally backed the decision to abandon the race, citing diminishing visibility (due to the later starting time) as well as the heavy rain.
Danish public opinion generally backed the new government, particularly after the fall of France in June 1940.
Yesterday, a range of officials and interest groups said they generally backed the idea of year-round schooling, as well as a related proposal, lengthening the school day.
And she generally backs Drake to the hilt.
Opposition from the Conservative Party, which generally backs Republican candidates, was said to have been particularly strong.
The leadership council generally backs programs that promote market-driven solutions on economic policies.
I generally back them.
So important is that image that the fund industry generally backed the changes with enthusiasm.
Mr. Jackson generally backs the Shultz approach.
She generally backed the board president, Robert F. Wagner Jr., but opposed him on starting clinics to give out birth-control information.