The management structures of schools generally bear little relationship to the principles o& effective staff management.
(Such help is also available to men on faculties, but they generally bear much less of these domestic burdens.)
The programs that advertisers buy for succeeding months generally bear little or no resemblance to the ones on display in the sweeps month.
The inflorescence is a raceme generally bearing 4 to 8 flowers.
No one would disagree, though, that science books today generally bear little resemblance to those from the 1940's, when the field really came into being.
Each pseudobulb generally bears several pleated leaves around 40cm long.
Even what is judicious in them generally bears the stamp of haste.
"Lori is now bearing generally south," Arthur informed me.
They generally bear no relation to the environmental costs or to other external costs.
Today, the descendants of these ancient mariners generally bear the last name "Sahu".