This generally entails favoring products and businesses that take account of the greater good in their operations.
Such interventions generally entail teaching problem-solving and conflict management skills, sharing, and improving parenting skills.
Freedom generally entails risks, and Web conferencing is no exception.
Mass customization generally entails mixing and matching pre-specified components, which significantly limits its flexibility.
This involvement generally entails participation in each session with the therapist and the child.
Thus, kerosene systems generally entail more teardowns and overhauls, creating operations and labor expenses.
The proposals generally entail making the cutoff of military aid by both superpowers the subject of a nonbinding, informal understanding.
Pastoralism generally entails a greater reliance on meat or other animal products, such as milk or blood, than other modes of production.
It generally entails special equipment to protect occupants, because there is a high risk of infection.
Dwyer and Tanner (2006) note that business marketing generally entails shorter and more direct channels of distribution.