"Hobbyists and others for whom fine arts is not their primary professional work are generally ineligible," the proposed revisions state.
Under the law, immigrants are generally ineligible for Federal benefits like food stamps and Supplemental Security Income.
Under law, illegal immigrants are generally ineligible for public services, but there are many exceptions.
Under the new law, people convicted of drug crimes are generally ineligible for Federal welfare benefits, but states may override the ban by passing laws.
Those who arrive on or after Aug. 22 are generally ineligible for Federal welfare benefits for five years.
A. Students in the Student Temporary Employment Program are generally ineligible for retirement coverage.
Blind dogs and dogs with disabilities judged to make the course run physically dangerous to the dog are generally ineligible for the dog's own safety.
They are generally ineligible for financial aid but still find it hard to afford up to $50,000 for a public education.
Amateur golfers who are not members of golf clubs are generally ineligible for "official" handicaps.
Under current law, aliens "afflicted with any dangerous contagious disease" are generally ineligible for visas to visit or live in the United States.