The trouble is, men's emotions are generally misunderstood because they don't talk openly about their feelings.
However, the mechanisms which lead to the priming effect are more complex then originally thought, and still remain generally misunderstood.
Exploratory testing is very common, but in most writing and training about testing it is barely mentioned and generally misunderstood.
This positive shift is generally misunderstood by men.
But this right is generally misunderstood.
He and his 2,000 or so co-workers have a much harder time losing their sensitivity to other things, such as being unseen and generally misunderstood.
I shall then provide extended commentary for three of the statements that are particularly vital, and most generally misunderstood or unappreciated.
This village is generally misunderstood with the Ralegan siddhi.
The chronology of the term's usage in the common language of the New Orleans carnival is generally misunderstood.
His fondness for the creatures, he says, comes from their generally misunderstood nature and their tenacity- characteristics he identifies with.