Magistrate judges generally oversee first appearances of criminal defendants, set bail, and conduct other administrative duties.
They generally oversee the administration of La Fortaleza, the mansion that serves as the Governor's residence and Office.
Strictly speaking he was simply a private citizen, but effectively he continued to govern the island, maintaining a court of justice, and generally overseeing its affairs.
She noticed that Kenjo generally oversaw the Eujisan's refueling and supervised its fifty-hour checks.
Over the next several years, Thomas Carnegie generally oversaw the Edgar Thomson Steel Company.
Community school boards generally oversee only local elementary and middle schools.
Traditionally, the artistic director's responsibilities have involved scheduling a season, hiring directors, casting productions, serving as dramaturge and generally overseeing a theater's artistic output.
Control of the staffing and generally overseeing the smooth and successful operation of the show is necessary.
Rachel generally oversees it which tends to entail her creating many, many versions of an image, each one almost imperceivably different to the next.
Once the design is final, Ms. Kuramitsu generally oversees sourcing and production.