Larger revelations, and they exist, generally pertain to Shakespeare's earlier years and to his domestic life.
Therefore, this article focuses on phenomena that pertain generally to most or all dialects, and on the major differences among the dialects.
At the time of our visit, in February 1997, incidents were categorized into 13 types, which generally pertained to the negative effects of the violations.
The following order generally pertains, especially in older universities.
His public papers and lectures generally pertained to the department of physics, mathematical and experimental, and his more special work was the inventing or perfecting of apparatus.
The songs rendered by the relatives and friends round the foot of the tree generally pertain to sexual knowledge.
However, the term generally pertains to a new version of an old film.
Those suits generally pertain to broad issues that affect many people, like school desegregation.
However they are a specific form of art in itself, therefore their listings generally pertain to the articles specifically related to the topic of musicals.
It generally pertains to a character that appears in several scenes, but mostly in the background.