The term of office generally terminates with the date of holding of the shareholders' meeting, which approved the financial statements for the last full financial year of the exercise of Executive Function.
Parties involved in negotiating a contract may generally terminate the process as they wish.
Supervening impossibility generally terminates the obligation, as well as any counter-obligation, from the point at which impossibility arose.
Glass (SiO2) generally terminates with the formation of hydroxides, or hydrogen ions and possibly a counter ion.
I had heard but too much of how these attacks generally terminate.
Once was the usual rule, at which time he generally terminated their careers without having to call in the law.
In the southbound direction off-peak services generally terminate at Baker Street, while at peak times some trains continue to the Metropolitan Line's current terminus at Aldgate.
When installed in restaurants, schools, kindergartens, hospitals, retirement homes or in private homes, the lifts generally terminate in a kitchen.
In the late evenings and at weekends, these trains generally terminate at Blackfriars.
During the weekday daytime off-peak, services generally terminate at Roma Street, as it is one of the few lines that are not paired with another line.