Interest rates on adjustable mortgages, which are generally tied to Treasury bill rates, not the prime rate, now average 6.13 percent.
Many of these have variable rates, generally tied to short-term Government securities, with quarterly adjustments.
Brokers, whose commissions are generally tied to rents, often badmouth as-is deals as well.
The carrick bend is generally tied in a flat interwoven form shown above.
Home equity loans are generally tied to the prime lending rate, currently about 9 percent.
Under current law, benefits are generally tied to family size, and they increase as the family grows.
The targets are generally tied to one faction or another and increasingly include police and military informants.
Altruism is generally tied to the success of one's genes.
This was generally tied to calendar systems.
Though generally tied together by this common esthetic, performers come from many traditions including country, rock, and cabaret.