At the end of 2000 it was more than 190,000, and has generated Palestinian anger and frustration.
I was describing a situation that generated similar anger to that you described.
The process has generated anger among some lawmakers who say the Pentagon should not be considering closing bases when the nation is at war.
But her death has made news across the state, become fodder for radio talk shows and generated considerable anger in different ways.
What kind of community did they come from, and why was it generating such anger?
The budget included significant tax increases and generated widespread public anger.
Upon discovery it is bound to generate resentment, anger and possibly revolt.
And it has generated considerable anger among American Jews who question why the group's representatives were singled out in the first place.
Officials at G.M. said they were not surprised that last week's announcement of job losses generated such anger.
Increasing the national debt by 50% in 3 years generates anger.