Offshore winds along the axis of the bay generates an outflow at the surface and an inflow below 20 metres depth.
The Great Dark Spot generated large white clouds at or just below the tropopause layer similar to high-altitude cirrus clouds found on Earth.
Because of low natural gas prices and new technology, many large industrial customers can generate electric power themselves at rates well below those offered by Orange and Rockland, he said.
A low-frequency oscillator (LFO) is an electronic oscillator that generates a frequency below 20 Hz.
Octave-generating effects, which generate an octave below the pitch being played are also used by bass players.
A low-frequency oscillator (LFO) generates an electronic signal, usually below 20 Hz.
In order to avoid using too much steam, a single steam ejector stage is generally not used to generate vacuum below approximately 10 kPa (75 mmHg).
And although the gale was generating a windchill in excess of seventy below zero Fahrenheit, I felt strangely, disturbingly warm.
In the offensive coordinator Gus Malzahn's debut, the Razorbacks (0-1) sputtered badly, generating only 287 yards on offense, well below last season's 360-yard-a-game average.
A blustery wind, while generating a wind-chill factor of about 10 degrees below zero, kept the flags at a picture-perfect tautness.