The main participants are electricity generating companies, electric utilities, and public officials from state and local governments and regulatory agencies.
The report says that the economic value of the oil and gas field could become uncertain if electricity generating companies are forced to use more British coal.
But with deregulation, many states are telling the utilities to split themselves into companies that generate power and companies that deliver it.
The GEC represented the government equity holdings in all the independent electricity generating companies and was a source of finance for those companies' capital requirements.
It sells these products to wholesale customers such as retail gas suppliers and electricity generating companies.
Power generating companies are staunch opponents of the 1990 Clean Air Act amendments, signed into law by Mr. Bush's father.
Since 1997, Elkraft and Eltra operated as fully unbundled companies from the power generating companies.
Cyhawk acts in most cases as the founder of its new ventures, generating new companies based on research of market needs.
The company supplies custom-made transformers to Power generating and distributing companies, heavy industries and other businesses.
The Government plans to sell its two electricity generating companies and the Scottish electricity industry next year.