The technical processes of a game stand for experiments that generate aleatory events.
Medical devices may generate adverse events that could harm patients, without being obvious to clinicians responsible for care.
Tuscaloosa, then a city of 6,000, as the capital attracted people from all over the state and generated lively social events.
Many systems and applications which run on a computer network generate events which are kept in event logs.
This allowed one to generate events that were matched to scenes and cuts in the film.
But he added: "War will continue to generate regrettable events.
They generate - mock events' according to these assumptions and feed them through the analysis chain.
This is used to randomly generate events closely mimicking experimental data.
Alarms can also generate events of their own, such as when an alarm is escalated in severity.
The game generates events that could have happened during the real-world time in which it was inactive.